as i stepped outside, i marvelled at the soft noise the large feather snowflakes made when they landed in my hair. i listened, and heard nothing more than the sound of snow colliding with earth, and the crunching of my feet as i walked up fremont avenue. i looked up and stared with squinted eyes to the streetlights and the black sky beyond. i left my tracks behind me.
i love that when it snows i cant keep myself from giggling like a preteen when a huge flake lands spot on in my mouth. earlier that night i had dinner with my mates, then sat on the couch, legs curled under me, sketching. sometime after, steven stepped in the livingroom, and with a childish expression, asked cory if he wanted to, "go ride bikes in the snow" with the emphasis being on the word snow, he definately got our attention. we were all action then, each of us making our way down the cold hall to the door. i saw the mood change in us as we stepped, one by one, into the night. by the blue light of the street lamps we saw that everything was slowly being erased by snow. unearthly sounds of awe escaped our mouths as we crunched and slid and skidded along the ice.
we know our world so well and the places that surround us are so familiar. its strange, but that all changes when it snows, we step out like toddlers exploring what we've never seen. then, with joy, we revert to our childhoods, and scream and giggle, and play games, throwing ice and snow at each other, and searching for cover. thirty and twenty five year old men become eight again. we forget what bothers us about each other, we forget our pains and struggles and at that moment, we are ageless, happy children.